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My Top 5 Favorite Health & Fitness Apps

Writer's picture: Natalie UppNatalie Upp

Although there are days that I’d like to completely unplug from the digital world, I also don’t know what I’d do without access to all the apps I use that make my life easier. However, iff you go into the app store, there are literally hundreds and hundreds of fitness and health apps out there; so which ones are the best? Well I’m not going to rank them all for you, but I am going to give you my five favs.

My Fitness Pal

This little miracle is the whole package! It counts the calories and macros, tracks your nutrient habits (like sodium and fiber), logs your meals/beverages with a huge growing library of food choices and tracks your weight goals and exercise. My Fitness Pal (MFP) puts you back in control of your dietary progress. I personally love it as a food-logging tool.

Two things I love most about it? You can scan foods into the system for easy entry, AND your lovely little diary can be shared with friends (or your awesome trainer -- haha!). Major accountability and one-step closer to fit.


With so much health food marketing steering us all sorts of directions, don’t you ever wish someone could just tell you if a food choice is healthy or not? Enter Fooducate. This app pretty much tells you everything you could ever want to know about packaged foods. And, just like MFP, it also has a handy scan function when searching for foods.

Fooducate actually has the functionality of MFP with a health tracker, too, where you can enter your food, water, exercise and how you’re feeling each day. Not only does it tell you the nutrient facts and ingredients on foods you’re searching, it also gives you healthy alternatives for similar products and reviews on the products from others looking to live healthier.

But, one cool thing it does beyond telling you the nutrient facts and ingredients on foods you’re searching, it also gives you healthy alternatives for similar products and reviews on the products from others looking to live healthier. My favorite part of the app? It gives each food a grade and explains why it was graded that way. Pull out the app at the grocery store for easier decision making. I look for foods that get A’s and B’s.


Your gym buddy is now officially at your fingertips with Gymboss. Before the app, I had their clip-on interval timer, which I still use for my HIIT sprints. I prefer workouts that are timed because I like that I can push myself within that time limit and it keeps me on track with a busy day.

The timer-based system keeps you on track with any cycled workout that needs set timeframes and rest periods. You can save all sorts of customized intervals, which is a bonus that the original clip-on timer can’t do. So pick a handful of plyos and/or strength exercises, set your intervals and get going!


I don’t know about you, but for my workouts I like some tunes to pump me up. Over the years I’ve used a handful of music app’s like Pandora, Spotify, and Amazon Prime Music. But, my new go to though is iHeartRadio. You can listen to live radio stations or make your own custom stations that are ad-free! What could be better?

Whether it’s your man Bruno or a little rock and roll with that dime & jukebox, you can pick your favorite genres of music or particular artists. You can also listen to news or podcasts. There are literally endless options!


So this last one is for the females out there. Around 40, our monthly cycle starts to go a little whacky. It may be shorter, longer, heavier or lighter, and it’s enough to make you a little crazy. I started using Clue a couple years ago to at least keep track of what was going on and help me analyze my cycle.

Tracking your cycle helps you expect when “your week” comes, so you’re not thrown off when you’re holding more water and see those extra pounds creep up on the scale. It also gives you the opportunity to track your mood, sleep, energy, cravings, and motivation to name a few. What you track is customizable to you.

Of course, I can’t go without mentioning a bonus 6th app, Fired Upp Fitness. This is the app I use with all clients. Everyone has their own profile, where they track their weight, circumference measurements and comparison photos. Clients check-in daily for nutritional and healthy habits like positive mindset activities and eating more vegetables (that I schedule into their calendar). In addition, this is where my clients find their scheduled workouts, in which they are guided through each exercise and rest, one by one.

REMINDER: These helpful apps and your overall health journey should never feel like this terrible, lame experience. If you’re not finding at least a little enjoyment from your workout, switch it up! Add some new music to your playlist or buddy up with someone to compare health goals and work together. Having that can-do mindset, along with apps like these, make you a force to be reckoned with!

Let’s get FIRED UPP,


P.S. If you have been trying to make it on your own, but are still feeling stuck with your results, please feel free to reach out to me for a complimentary consultation. Sometimes even just the accountability of a coach can be the missing piece of the puzzle.

Health and Fitness Apps

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